Accommodations for kids

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It’s important that kids have a say in choosing accommodations. But that doesn’t always happen. As a result, they may not know why the accommodations were chosen.


Or they may be told what the accommodations are, but not why they have them. It also could be that kids were involved in picking accommodations but didn’t fully understand the process.

Without your child’s buy-in, accommodations might not get used. Knowing why extra time on tests is an option or how a fidget is supposed to help is key in getting your child to use an accommodation. It’s also important to give your child a few weeks to get comfortable with it.

Ideally, accommodations are readily available or built in to lessons, so it’s easy for kids to use them. But that’s not always the case for example, if there’s a substitute teacher or a lesson isn’t set up with accommodations in mind.

