Grid Gallery - Masonry style

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Grid Gallery addon will help you create grid gallery in the article view.

This addon supports 3 gallery types as (Grid, Masonry and Horizontal Masonry) and display image in lightbox gallery. You can configure options for lightbox as (Auto-Slideshow, Fullscreen display, Zoom image, Download, Social share and Show thumbnail image)

Highlight Features

Check more about greate feature of Grid Gallery Addon

Features ListDetail
3 gallery style Grid, Masonry and Horizontal Masonry
Display in Lightbox Gallery display, auto slideshow, thumbnail, fullscreen display, download image, social share and zoom image
Ajax Uploader Use ajax upload for multi upload file in back-end
Auto resize image Auto resize image follow your configure to optimize image

Demo Versions

grid style
horizontal masonry style
masonry style
Tagged under: Grid Gallery Masonry

Sonny Le